Ahhh, Spring. The epitome of hope. Sunshine and warmth, birdsong, flowers - I love it all. (Well, I don't love the mud, but I can ignore it in order to have the birdsong, flowers and warmth.)
We've had an extraordinarily early spring here this year, and I am loving every moment. I do seem to have spring fever, however, as I spend great chunks of time gazing out the window and dreaming of what I would be doing if I wasn't attempting to focus on what I *should* be doing. That last sentence may not make sense to you - if it doesn't, chalk it up to my spring fever, ok?

As we pull up the shades, let the light stream in, and sweep out winter's cobwebs, the house is getting a bit more freshening, inside and out. Yesterday, we used our Groupon for a bedroom floor brightening from Fabulous Floors. What a painless way to get your wood floors looking good again. We only had to stay off them for about three hours, but during that time we had to make sure we kept three sets of paws off the floor, as well as our own. We took advantage of the bright spring weather to take the two dogs to Headwaters Park and let them explore.
Cosmo was content to stay home in his bed, thank goodness. Here's what the floor looked like when we got home from our excursion:

This was the easiest wood floor re-do ever. It took very little time, was dry enough to walk on in three hours, looks great, and didn't create a bunch of dust. Tonight we'll put things back together and see how it looks.