Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reno Retreat Piece - In Progress

Here are a few in-process photos of the piece I worked on at the Reno Retreat with Jean Bernard & Sherry Goshon. Three full days of fun, art, and inspiration - not to mention good eating. It was marvelous.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Change in the China Cabinet

It was time to change the china cabinet display from Winter Birds to something more seasonal. I got it emptied before I remembered that I'd given away the pink and white dishes I was going to display. In a moment of inspiration, I moved all my cookbooks from the shallow pantry cupboard and into the china cabinet. I used some blue mixing bowls and a heavy Le Creuset pan for bookends.

The benefits were two-fold: a non-seasonal and very functional use for the china cabinet, and free space in the pantry for less-used appliances and such.