Baby Azlyn (who will probably always be Baby Azlyn to me, unless another grandchild magically appears) had her second birthday.
Michelle visited her birth mom, Bekah, in Minnesota, and learned a little bit about her roots. She also taught the littles to light paint.
The IRS audit is ongoing, causing us to hire a tax attorney. (I don't have a pretty picture for this one.)
I've killed a bunch of plants with my experimental gardening, BUT - from the front, we still got the HOA's Landscape award for the month.
I've been making soap every day. We were down to just two bars in the cupboard! This was taken a week ago - there's more curing in the cupboard now:
Every morning, I talk to the hummingbirds, marvel at their aerial maneuvers, and enjoy the spectacular sunrises.
AND - I finished (yes, finished) a doll. More on that later...