Thursday, June 27, 2024

Present - Home


Today, and for the next few days, I am “home” in Minnesota.  Only one of my adult children remained where we were all born, and I haven’t lived here since 1997, but it still feels like home.  Whether it’s the landscape, the architecture, or the (thank heavens, summer) weather, this still feels like home.

The occasion is granddaughter’s high school graduation party, but fitting in a few other things as well.  Neighbors are “tending” Oldtimer, and his daughter is checking in virtually.

As I do when I’m back in my current home, I started my day on the patio with my coffee.  This morning was lovely, with light breezes, the bluest skies, greenest grass, birdsong and rustling leaves.  I’m enjoying the scent of the petunias (long since burned out in AZ), and the light fragrance of a blooming milkweed patch.

Feeling some restoration.

1 comment:

Shashi Nayagam said...

Petunias look lovely and vibrant. Mine are in full bloom too.