Friday, May 27, 2011

One RR Doll Home

A couple of viewing options on this lovely who came "home" recently from the Time for Dolls club round robin. My doll was made from a Barbara Willis pattern, and I sent along some pretty but difficult fabrics to use on her. I'm *so* impressed with what the others did with her. Each person who had her "dressed" a body part, and then I got to put her all together. I also wigged her with the pink Tibetan lamb.

All the dolls in this group were just terrific - there was some real creative costuming - beautiful, colorful, and fun.

I know the background is a little distracting. I've been committing neatnesses all over the house, and can't seem to put together all the parts of the light cube!


Shashi Nayagam said...

This lady has attitude. Love her. RRs are fun aren't they.

JudiA said...

LOVE her colors! I would also really really like to know how those amazing little shoes were made. Sweet!

Fran said...

Love her face and clothing colors. RR's are FUN!!

Fran said...

P.S. Follow up comments if any won't come to
I moved and have a new email I've added it to my blog but doesn't seem to get rid of my old email addy.
Again Love your RR Doll.

BumbleVee said...

Love the colours on your lady....and what a great outfit.

I don't have a light cube...but, I sometimes put a big sheet of white paper on the back of a chair and one on the seat....and it works okay in a pinch ... or.... drape a sheet of plain light blue fabric works as well....