Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Why do people put those music things on their blogs? Do they set their computer home page to their own blog and leave it there so they can sit and listen to their favorite music? Do they think that other people certainly have the same taste in music? Do they realize that some folks sneak a peek at their reading list while working at a desk in an office? Or while the baby is sleeping at midnight? Do they not know that some folks are still on slow connections and it makes their page load a little slower? Perhaps I'm already playing MY favorite music through the computer, and don't need the jolt from the cacophony of sounds.

I know I'm sound sensitive, I'll give you that. But I find myself getting crankier and crankier about telephone hold music, elevator music, music tastes foisted on me by others. Enough with the noise pollution, already. I read your blog, I love what you have to say, I love your eye candy, I read your profile...but keep your music to yourself, would you? If you can't do that, could you at least set it so your reader has the option to turn it on and find out more about you and what you love, rather than scrambling to turn it off? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm with you on this one! It's annoying; not cute, not clever. I absolutely hate when music starts to play on a blog or web page. I don't even bother looking for the off button anymore. I just close the page and move on to the next. With so many blogs and web pages out there, someone else will have what I'm interested in without the noise.

Barb V. said...

So true! Too bad we didn't evolve with ears we can close like we can close our eyes. LOL!

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

I agree with you! After a while I was so annoyed with the blogs that have music that I now keep my speakers on mute. I only turn them back on if I want to listen to Pandora or watch a video. Too bad that people wouldn't opt to just have a link to their favorite music, or even a list rather than the actual music.

Anonymous said...

You tell'em, girl!I've always kept my speakers turned OFF, so I never know if some email or attachment has music or not!I love silence myself.

Deb Smith said...

I cringe when I am assaulted by unexpected noise. I keep my speakers off on my computer, at home and at work. Other people's choice of music just isn't my idea of entertainment. That's why speakers have an on/off option!

GraceBeading said...

Oh your post made me laugh out loud! This is one of the main reasons I don't visit actual blogs but read them from Bloglines. SOOOOO much easier on the ears!