I have yet to figure why some photos I upload are clickable and enlargable, and others are not. I thought it depended upon how much I cropped and edited, but that is not the case.
Last night, I quickly posted my photo of the week, and a couple others from the weekend. I did nothing to enhance, crop, or reduce size. I thought they would be clickable - I was wrong.
Here are the same three photos, changed - some with very little change, one with a great deal. I want to see what happens...

By the way, in the category of general grousing, I do not understand some other quirks of Blogspot, when it comes to editing. When I first started using Blogger, I could drag photos around my post, but now more times than not, it balks at letting me drag a photo. AND, when I upload multiples, I have to do it in reverse order of how I want them posted - which is a change. I seem to do a lot of editing now on the HTML tab, trying to figure out where one photo ends and the next begins, so I can move it within the post. Seems like a poor plan - probably some sort of enhancement for the geeks, but not for people like me...