Of course, one can't rest forever, and I decided that as much dog hair as possible ought to be left OUTSIDE. Maybe some of the birds will appreciate some soft nesting material. Murphy certainly seems to have plenty to spare. I'm not sure why Cosmo thought he should be in the midst of all those clumps. Believe it or not, that was just the beginning of culling Murphy's undercoat.
The ducks enjoyed the beautiful day, too. Aren't they pretty? I love when they get into the pond and tip their little bottoms up in the air, looking for goodies in the bottom of the pond.
This is the vision that first lured me outdoors. This little cluster of miniature crocus blooms right below the gas meter (an odd contrast -- the ugly and bulky gas meter and the beautiful little cluster of flowers). They looked so cheerful outside the kitchen door, I just had to grab a shot...and one thing led to another, and now I have about 40 shots of the yard and pond, and nothing has been planted yet! The iris and the daylilies have poked their hopeful first leaves through the surface, and there are actually buds visible on the hyacinth.
Love the photos of you and the critter-people enjoying the beautiful morning! Cosmo looks as though he's 'king of the world' up on the table! LOL! And the ducks? So cute & fuzzy! I adore lil' ducks & chicks - for that matter, baby animals, PERIOD! So THAT'S a Crocus! I hear people mentioning them. Now I know that's what they look like! Good old Martha Stewart & I - we 'learn something new everyday!'
Look how green your lawn has become! Yes, I think spring has arrived for you. You have a wonderful yard and pond. Good to see you enjoying your Sunday.
Linda F from FL
Absolutely not fair! If you want to see MY yard check this out ... http://www.zachthedog.blogspot.com
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