Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Time to start...

I guess it's my turn to jump on the blog bandwagon. I need a place to show works in progress, a place to show quick photos of the soaps I have in stock, and maybe, just maybe, a place to do the occasional brain dump.
I'm starting with a photo of the beaded doll that's in the works. She's going to be my submission for the beaded doll swap on the CPS list, where I host the occasional swap. I have lots of other works in progress....and lots of soap pix to post, too, but right now, I better go to work!


Kai said...

She's GLORIOUS! I KNEW she would be, but her colors REALLY make her special! I definitely will be looking for photos of her as you progress or when you finish her! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love your dolls. They are wonderful.
Love & Hugs

Helen in the UK said...

Oh - she is gorgeous. Such sumptuous beadwork and wonderful colours :)