Friday, July 13, 2007

Empty Places

When we were still living in NC, we were struck by the number of houses empty and abandoned. Most of them looked as though the owner just gave up and walked away. Rarely did you find a newer, bigger, or better house sharing the property. Still they stood, glassless, paintless, often with the original garden plantings gone wild nearby.

My husband wanted to compile a photo book of all the empty places. We have a huge file of those photos...maybe we'll still put it together someday. These are just a couple of the many in our files.
They make me want to imagine a family for them...


Kai said...

You won't believe this, Sue, but I LOVE that sad little house. It just needs someone to care about it. Was there supposed to be a 2nd photo? I would like to see more of these abandoned homes. They are whispering to my spirit.

quiltkeemosabe said...

I love looking at the old abandoned places too. I like to imagine what they must have been like when they were new/newer and somebody's home, maybe even somebody's showplace. By the way, I'm Holly who used to live in the small town in NC with you. I'm enjoying reading your blog!

Deb Smith said...

I, too, am drawn to old ramshackle falling-down homes. I love to imagine what I could do for them. I have a favorite once-loved, now neglected stately brick home. It's a pretty drive to visit, in the Lake Pepin area. The first time I laid eyes on it, there were purple wildflowers growing up around the old mailbox on a post at the end of the driveway. On closer look, I found a nest of baby birds at home inside the mailbox. It was so perfect, it looked contrived.