Saturday, October 07, 2006

Day 3 Collage

This "collage a day from one magazine" took a little less time. I was sleepy...and it's funny, but even after just three days, it's getting harder to find stuff for a collage. I wonder what day 7 will look like, if I get that far.

These images remind me of singing "God Bless America" when I was in grade school...a long time ago. I got to thinking of all the things I miss about the way I used to see myself as an American, even if I did grow up in the duck-and-cover era. Then I got to thinking about how ashamed I am of late, knowing how this country has fallen in the view of other nations, and I want to put a paper bag over my head. I could go on and on about the state of things right now, and how upset and shamed I am by them, but what good would it do? Anyway...that's why it says "I miss America." Hopefully, today's collage will be a little more upbeat. Darn full moon.


Kai said...

WOW! That's absolutely PERFECT! Very insightful, and (believe me!) reflective of not only yours, but mine and I KNOW sooooo many others' feelings these days. I couldn't have executed this project as well as you! You made a collage with a statement, but did it in a dignified way. Me? I may have been expatriated had I tried this one. Oooops! See what I mean? I'm WAY too outspoken & opinionated. Good job! Great collage!

Linda Fleming said...

Oh, Sue, I feel your pain. I am so saddened over the mess our country is in right now. So much is wrong it feels overwhelming.
Linda F from FL