Monday, August 05, 2024

July, 2023

 The neuropsychological exam. (Photo above of a healing doll I made at the time, trying to hold it together.)

With neither the patience nor the desire to complete the required paperwork pre-visit, Oldtimer left it to me.  Fortunately, we’ve practically been joined at the hip since he retired and quit golfing, so it wasn’t difficult to complete - just tedious.  Pre-visit instructions were detailed.

Day of the exam, we reported on time, prepared for a three to four hour visit. First we were both taken to an office and interviewed together, and some of the basic screening tests were administered to Oldtimer by the psychological assistant.  When that was complete, the doctor came to the office, and I was taken to a separate office to be interviewed by the assistant.  After 45 minutes of providing details of all my concerns, I could tell I’d given him way more than he wanted, and he was eager to move me along.

I sat in the waiting room and finished a book on my Kindle.  Fortunately, I had another loaded and ready to go.  When the exam was complete, Oldtimer came to the waiting area, announced he was hungry, and we left with the reminder that it would be at least a week before there would be results.

About 10 days later, Oldtimer received an email with his results.  He forwarded it to me with the comment “I don’t know what this is and I’m not going to read all of it,” and that was the end of his interest in the exam. I poured over it; essentially it was no help. Same diagnosis of MCI (mild cognitive impairment) with the suggestion that he seemed mildly depressed, perhaps an anti-depressant would help.  

Having been very bright all his life, and having held management type positions in the computer industry, he probably tests better than most.  The behavior problems?  It was suggested that I try to find a way to engage him in something that interested him.  Work puzzles together, encourage activities, go for walks, etc.

Follow-up two weeks later with the regular neurologist left me feeling once again that I was on my own. Sometimes I felt I was being treated as though I was overreacting.  Then I found more that left me very concerned.