Thursday, June 27, 2024

Present - Home


Today, and for the next few days, I am “home” in Minnesota.  Only one of my adult children remained where we were all born, and I haven’t lived here since 1997, but it still feels like home.  Whether it’s the landscape, the architecture, or the (thank heavens, summer) weather, this still feels like home.

The occasion is granddaughter’s high school graduation party, but fitting in a few other things as well.  Neighbors are “tending” Oldtimer, and his daughter is checking in virtually.

As I do when I’m back in my current home, I started my day on the patio with my coffee.  This morning was lovely, with light breezes, the bluest skies, greenest grass, birdsong and rustling leaves.  I’m enjoying the scent of the petunias (long since burned out in AZ), and the light fragrance of a blooming milkweed patch.

Feeling some restoration.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Past - April 25, 2023, Wake up Call

There I was, one of my favorite places on earth, doing what I love -  a mini art retreat with dear friends.  Sedona offers art, atmosphere, vistas and shopping.  It was our first full day together, and we were actually primping a bit for supply shopping, when my iPad notified me that the Ring doorbell had been rung, and there was someone waiting for a response.  In the view of my front door I could see the uniformed arm of a county deputy.

Earlier in the day I’d been notified by the Life360 app that Oldtimer had left the house.  We had an agreement as to how much he could spend daily at the casino - his favorite activity when I’m away from home.  We had installed the Life360 app, shared with my daughter’s family, several months before because I’d noticed that with Oldtimer’s love of running errands, there were times he was directionally off kilter.  Nothing severe, it basically affected which of two major streets he turned onto.

My friend was actually seated at the desk where my iPad was plugged in, and I was answering over her shoulder.  My heart plummeted.  Had there been an accident?  No, the very stern deputy told me that he needed to speak to Oldtimer.  After some back and forth, after I offered to notify the deputy when the app told me he was back home, the deputy relented and spoke to me a bit.  His news?  There had been a complaint about Oldtimer by a woman who said he was hassling her in the parking lot of our local grocery store.  She had provided the police with photos, which I agreed were his vehicle.  

The deputy and I chatted a bit; actually eight minutes according to the video. During the conversation I mentioned an upcoming medical appointment to look into Oldtimer’s memory issues.  The deputy’s total demeanor changed to one of understanding and compassion.  He even told me of the issues his family was having with a family member wandering off.  He wound down the conversation with a word of understanding and said it was a family issue and he would leave it to me to deal with.  I didn’t care for that idea, I thought a message like this would have more impact coming from an officer than from me.

You see, for many months - ok, let’s be honest, several years - our relationship had been strained.  Gradually, almost without notice, I’d gone from being adored, practically on a pedestal, to an annoyance.  I chalked it up to way more togetherness, as he’d given up daily golf about eight months prior due to worsening COPD, plus the plain old fact of the marriage passing the twenty year mark.  Add in some pain management issues due to my back problems, and his boredom with lack of physical activity, and who wouldn’t be feeling some strain?  My gut told me that it was more than that, however, and my therapist talked to me about setting behavior standards.

I passed the rest of the day in a state of shock.  I sat in a chair and shook most of the time.  I didn’t eat.  My friends gathered around and put what felt like a protective dome over me, and my therapist checked in with a video visit.  All advised me to stay put, rather than run home.  When Oldtimer returned from the casino he called, asking why the sheriff was at the door = the neighbors had told him.  I told him what had transpired.  His response was that the crazy woman actually accused him of following her in the parking lot, when all he was doing was circling the lot, waiting for a handicapped spot to open up.  And yes, when she stood near his car and accused him of following her, he called her a fat pig.  He was just looking for a parking spot.

The maps drawn by the Life360 app told a different story.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tuesday - wonder and challenge

 First a bit of wonder - the SpaceX launch Tuesday evening.  Filled me with joy and giddiness.

Tuesday’s health challenge - relatively minor, though the pain is real.  Skin cancer removal.  Use the damn sun blocker, avoid over exposure!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It’s Been a Journey

Posts here have mostly been missing for several years now.  I toss out photos and opinions on Facebook, and occasionally on Instagram.  But y’all… I’ve been on a journey.  A big part of it was through hell, and I’m not sure there’s not another trip or two back there in the future.  There have also been some extraordinary bright spots.

A few days ago, I got an update from a friend’s Substack account, which left me wondering if I should start chronicling this crazy journey there - but I’m not an author/writer.  I’m not trying to promote my work, I just want to have an outlet to chronicle these events, and maybe help someone else along the way.

So here we are - 18 months into the worst of the journey and now I’m going to start chronicling?! Yes.  Maybe I’ll use that currently fashionable writing technique of dual timelines.  Since we’re starting midstream let me give you the basics:

  • My age is now early 70s
  • Eighteen months ago my husband added behavior problems to memory issues
  • We’re divorced; he still lives with me
  • It took 18 months of crying, threatening, faxing and more to get answers
  • My network of close friends is amazing
  • My kids are also amazing, but a couple of them scared me with health issues during this journey
  • I’m into year four of therapy

So buckle up - we’ll start this journey at the mid-point.