Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It’s Been a Journey

Posts here have mostly been missing for several years now.  I toss out photos and opinions on Facebook, and occasionally on Instagram.  But y’all… I’ve been on a journey.  A big part of it was through hell, and I’m not sure there’s not another trip or two back there in the future.  There have also been some extraordinary bright spots.

A few days ago, I got an update from a friend’s Substack account, which left me wondering if I should start chronicling this crazy journey there - but I’m not an author/writer.  I’m not trying to promote my work, I just want to have an outlet to chronicle these events, and maybe help someone else along the way.

So here we are - 18 months into the worst of the journey and now I’m going to start chronicling?! Yes.  Maybe I’ll use that currently fashionable writing technique of dual timelines.  Since we’re starting midstream let me give you the basics:

  • My age is now early 70s
  • Eighteen months ago my husband added behavior problems to memory issues
  • We’re divorced; he still lives with me
  • It took 18 months of crying, threatening, faxing and more to get answers
  • My network of close friends is amazing
  • My kids are also amazing, but a couple of them scared me with health issues during this journey
  • I’m into year four of therapy

So buckle up - we’ll start this journey at the mid-point. 

1 comment: said...

I can tell this is going to be a wild ride. I noticed that you were not posting much... but I always assume, that if someone is not talking (writing/posting) there is either something they are not talking about or are unsure if they want or need to share. I have been thinking of you often, and once in a while, you show up on FB and I know you are still kicking!!! Hang in there.